Sonja's First Blog Post

30th of January, 2023

What is the difference between “natural” and “botanical” skincare?

Natural skin care implies there is nothing artificial in the product, but it does not necessarily mean that the majority of the ingredients are of plant origin or that they are genuinely therapeutic.

Botanical skincare is natural and therapeutic with botanical ingredients. Botanicals include powerfully healing and nourishing plant extracts and oils, and these can be derived from flowers, herbs, nuts, seeds, roots, leaves, barks and berries. When used in the right way, they can do wonders for our skin.

At Moya Essentials we formulate our products using a variety of different botanical extracts in each product as some properties of plants are water-soluble and others oil soluble. For example, most vitamins (vit A and E in particular) are oil soluble and can only be harnessed in an oil extract. Other properties are extracted with glycerin, water or steam.

Most vitamins (vit A and E in particular) are oil soluble and can only be harnessed in an oil extract
- Sonja Borodin-Sleigh

We therefore use a variety of extracts, including glycerites, infused oils, hydrosols and essential oils to harness all the great therapeutic properties that plants have to offer.
You will notice the difference in our products – they are truly nourishing and healing!

Written by Sonja Borodin-Sleigh


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